
I am Aaron Cullingford Earle Meyers. I am an industrial designer with a focus on technical details, who loves to dive into the nitty-gritty execution of every step of a project.

After graduating with a B.S. in Industrial Design from Western Washington University, I headed east to cut my teeth in the New York lighting scene. After joining Juniper Design Group as their inaugural in-house Industrial Designer and spearheading the production of several new pieces, I took a break from New York City to help a manufacturer in the Pacific Northwest transition their production into an efficient, digitally assisted workflow. I'm now back in New York and available for consulting or in-house work.

When not designing something for work or play, I like to spend my time working on rented houses for free, hanging out with animals, and building things. Like many designers, I am addicted to coffee, but I like to pretend it's a "hobby," and thus excuse the fact that I have 6 different ways to make a cup, only one of which I actually use.

If you'd like to talk to me about a project,
feel free to contact me at:

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You can learn more about where I have worked and my skills by checking my resume: 

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